Sunday, September 26, 2010

Motion graphic of La vie logo

After effect ,CS4


Good morning!
In this post I am going to write about our task and the homepage of our section. We have chosen to take the SPORT SECTION and our group has decided that we would fill this sport section with the World Cup 2010 South Africa. Why we choose this topic? Because at the time we decided it, this biggest event in football has just finished, so we think we could attract more people to read it by presenting the World Cup 2010 Report.

Talking about the home page, we use the official World Cup 2010 mascot; ZAKUMI, as the main background and a header with the “WORLD CUP 2010” creatively written.
In the Homepage, we put 5 Icons with the purpose of representing the menus that we have, which are History, South Africa, Winner, Results, and News. And we add 1 more icon to link it to the screen-shot of the La Vie Homepage.

We use resized and darker effect for Pressed – Depressed effect. So, when you point your mouse to one of the icon, the icon would be smaller and the colour will be darkened.

When we clicked the icon, it will bring you to the content s pages. In this page, we keep the background and header as it is, but we put a bar on the up side with 5 buttons linked to the menu.
menu clicked
Each menu should have 2 sub menus as agreed by the group. So there will be 2 buttons extra buttons later in each page, that will be taken care by each one of us.
So that is all for our homepage and general lay-out, thanks!

the WORLd CUP 2010 text design

The head of our page is the the WORLD CUP 2010 text design -

Journal reflection ( Nidal Taha )

1-How is your understanding of the topic after doing the project? Understanding about interactive multimedia?

changed alot of ideas in my mind about interactive multimedia , previously i thought interactive is only one designer can do the whole thing website and designing and that's it , i didnt know that there is any successful design project will come throw all theses process and to do everything from the scratch from A-Z , so i can say this subject changed my whole thought about interactive multimedia and doing projects

2-What were the problems faced since Proposal 2? How did you/your team solve your group problems?

me as a group leader we didn’t face much problems , our problem was only that we focused on design and how to fix it on website and ignore important thing which is updating our blog

3-What would you do differently next time?

learn from my mistakes , and worn my self or one of the group mate early if he or she delay doing the task

4-How is your motivation level?

in the beginning was down because its a big project and i don’t know my group mate , but later on increased to the maximum after i know my team mate very will from meeting and i say to my self we can do it and to be one of the best sections in this magazine

5-How was working with your group / group leader?

very good and every one was responsible of what they were doing , i wish i can do another project with them later on on future in real world 

6-How was it working on the project?

fun , little pressure , interesting , quite good so far 

7-Update on what you have been writing previously

we update our blog late :s so i think what i wrote is the last updated stuff

8-How were your teammates/Group leader?

we become friends in class and out the class

9-Personal evaluation of your own effort and that of your team

i hope my group mates are satisfied with what i do as a group leader , i didn’t do my best but i will try next time to avoid my mistakes

Individual Progress ( Nidal Taha )

My part was about the winner of world cup 2010 this year the Spanish national team.

The profile of the winner :

 first part of the page the profile of the winner

 i also include the star player of the dream team , so the reader won't forget 

The achievement of the winner :

 in this part i edit the information of the history of spain in this picture 
because in the presentation day the comment was that there is no enough info about the 

 i added also video about the winning goal 

i wanted to do this part of this page exactly , because am big fan of spain and i was supporting them all the way from the beginning . I wanted this page to be as reference to all the readers to know about the winner of world cup 2010 everytime they reach this part ! To live the moment

resource : and
picture : google ( spain team )

Journal reflection

*1.     How is your understanding of the topic after doing the project? Understanding about interactive multimedia?
-I gain a lot of knowledge from this project specially in how to do icons interface design and how to organize the screen. 

2.     What were the problems faced since Proposal 2? How did you/your team solve your group problems?
We didnt face so many problem with our team .We just found it a new thing for us to do flash and mostly the icon which is very new for us .
3.     What would you do differently next time?
I will try to make the interface design more life and enjoyable ,like do some movement around the screen and not annoying as well .
4.     How is your motivation level?
-Let me say that  its too hight , because doing this is very interesting and its keep pushing me to more creative thing to do in the magazine project .
5.     How was working with your group / group leader?
Working with the group leader was quit good
6.     How was it working on the project? 
It was amaazzing ,fun , never found it boring at all ,change my prospective in work on  a website  and I know how principle of doing the magazine .
7.     Update on what you have been writing previously
mmm i feel shame about that and Im really sorry for this , coz we r late submission the blog .
8.     How were your teammates/Group leader?
Was collaborate with each other , nice idea , no fighting at all and we become good friends now .
9.     Personal evaluation of your own effort and that of your team?
My effort hopefully was great ,i hope , i tell my self i can do more ,but i put most of my effort to all the project from designing the logo , cover page and did some designing in our sport page and the motion graphic of LA VIE .Also , i try to motivate our team to be the best and they motivate me as well .

Individual progress ( Feras Mirza )

Individual progress :(History)

 Hi!, this Mirza , Feras ... my duty in this part of project is to write about the  history of world cup wish i found it interesting ,and because the history of world cup is too big , so I'm chosen the most important  and interesting part to not bore the reader of this section ..

1. The past result of the football world cups :

Once u click on the bottom history then it will appear the past winner .Also , i add the flags icone to show the past winner in this page .Then , click the arrow at the top right to show other part of this section.

2. unforgettable moment (video) :

when u click on the icon taxt on the left up (moment ) it will show the video , first of mardona ,second of Zidan

Friday, September 24, 2010

Individual Progress ( Shagahyegh Hamedani )

      My part is about South Africa In World Cup 2010

Sherry is here to report to you guys about what we did for our project .My part is making flash of stadiums and cites of World Cup 2010 that was held in South Africa for this group project.
I found all the data that i need form the online website it was not so difficult , I collect all my data from different website and combine it together 


By clicking on the cities you can see all the cities photo with their information  and by using the next and previous bottom as you see in this photo you can go to the next cities .

This is the first view of cities 

Cape Town 


The last view of cities 

By clicking on the Stadium bottom you can see the photo of that and by using the next bottom you can go to the next photo .

Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium with 48000 capacity 
Set on the shores of the North End Lake, the Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium, will be the first dedicated football stadium in the city.

Free State Stadium with 46000 Capacity
Home to some of the country's most fanatical group of supporters, the Free State Stadium is likely to be the centre of attention during the FIFA.

Mbombela Stadium with 435000 capacity
Is one of the newly-built stadia for the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa™ and it takes its name from the local municipality which incorporates the city of Nelspruit.

Coca-Cola Park Stadium with 62000 capacity
Is located in the centre of Johannesburg and has hosted many epic sporting events including the final of the 2009 FIFA Confederations Cup between Brazil and the United States.

Peter Mokaba Stadium with 46000 capacity
Named after one of the renowned sons of the struggle and emancipation of South Africa against the apartheid regime, the Peter Mokaba Stadium holds much historical significance in South Africa. Peter Mokaba was born and bred in Polokwane and was renowned for his fighting spirit and for his inspirational leadership.

The last view of stadium ,Bafokeng Stadium with 42000 capacity

is one of the stadiums for the 2010 FIFA World Cup™. The stadium is named after the Bafokeng people who live in the area.

My part is finish which was include Cities and Stadium details of World Cup 2010 that i made it in Flash software .

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Journal Reflection ( Adriansyah Putra )

1.     How is your understanding of the topic after doing the project? Understanding about interactive multimedia?
2.     What were the problems faced since Proposal 2? How did you/your team solve your group problems?
3.     What would you do differently next time?
4.     How is your motivation level?
5.     How was working with your group / group leader?
6.     How was it working on the project?
7.     Update on what you have been writing previously
8.     How were your teammates/Group leader?
9.     Personal evaluation of your own effort and that of your team?

1.        Well, after I done this project , I understand what is multimedia and how to do the project
2.     I think we don’t have so many problems , because the topic we choose is so interesting  and we are happy to do the project.
3.     Next time, I will make the project better than previous
4.     My motivation level is make a better then pass with good grade.
5.     I am enjoy to work with my group
6.     We discussed a lot about the project therefore we got a lot ideas
7.     I already done with my part
8.      They are very kind, friendly and full of inspirations.
9.     My effort is make the project good and perfect

Individual Progress ( Adriansyah putra )

My part is News in World cup 2010
1.     1.  Gossips

In this page I put Vuvuzela  and Paul the Octopus, the especially in Vuvuzela page  there have button (click here ) when you click the button you can hear the sound of Vuvuzela, and collecting the data from  Mr. Google.

2. Videos

In this page put Video Diego Forlan, The Best Player world Cup 2010 and Thomas Muller, The BestYoung Player World Cup 2010, I colleting the video from youtube and then I export movie into flash.

Journal reflections(Andi Chairul)

1.     How is your understanding of the topic after doing the project? Understanding about interactive multimedia?

I understand really well about the project since it has been my teenage dream to work “behind the scene” in magazine things. About interactive multimedia, I think I know it quite well to because nowadays, with the help of internet, most of the media; multimedia, is served in interactive way. So yeah I really understand the topic before the project. After the project I understand it is really fun to come up with idea n thought to make the magazine, especially if I’m doing the topic that I am really interested.

2.     What were the problems faced since Proposal 2? How did you/your team solve your group problems?

We don’t have so many problems since the proposal 2 because I think the idea that one of the team member gave was so good and everyone agreed, and it seemed like the entire crowd in class liked it too. Oh we did have some problems; it was when I wanted to add the background music with the button to stop it, thank god I have a friend that have already done the similar things, so I asked him to help. And, we have problems in updating the blog.. =.=

3.     What would you do differently next time?

Next time, I would divide the task more serious and share more with the groupmates. Since I like to lead, I would be the group leader if I have the chance later.

4.     How is your motivation level?

My motivation level is really high. Not only it is one of what I day dream about when I was in junior high school, but also this subject has 6 credit hours, there is no way I fail it! I have to pass with good grade. 

5.     How was working with your group / group leader?

Earlier, it’s kind of hard to contact each other since most of us just met in this class. But later we solve it well.

6.     How was it working on the project?

Actually it was fun because I really like the project and I was doing the thing I really into, which is football.

7.     Update on what you have been writing previously.

Update, hmm nothing much, I just wrote this things this week. Coz we had problem with updating the blogs.

8.     How was your teammates/Group leader?

They are okay and very kind. Just, maybe some of them were really busy that time.

9.     Personal evaluation of your own effort and that of your team

I think my effort was quite good; I came up with the idea of taking the sport section, which made it a lot easier to fill the project itself. And I did the presentation quite good. Yeah I have some problems pairing up with the group members, I rarely contact them if I had a problem, and I would just think and solve it myself.  

Individual Progress (Andi Chairul)

Good morning everyone!
Andi Chairul is on the go here to report to you guys about our project, my part of the flash actually. I know it is already too late to update the blog, but anyway I will just write about how I did my part.

As the group agreed, I got the “RESULT” part. In this part I was supposed to put the information about the FIFA World Cup 2010 that was held in South Africa. It covers all the matches’ final score as well as the top goal scorers throughout the event.

Collecting the data
Collecting the raw materials was not too hard for me since the World Cup itself has just finished a few weeks ago. There are many online websites to refer for me, but I chose HTTP:// as my source of information. Lucky me, It had all the information I needed to complete my part of this project.

The process
We already have the common layout for our section. Here it is:
my part's page
Each Menu has 2 sub menus, in my part are Result and Goal scorers, so I added 2 buttons on the left side as we agreed what the lay-out would be.
buttons added
After making the buttons, I made the pages in it and put the screen shot of the matches’ result that I copied from The total is 9 pages.
Almost the same step I did to the Goal Scorers pages, just I added The Top scorer profile in it, which is Thommas Mueller, the 20 years old Germany’s striker that scored 5 goals in his 6 games.
top scorer
I know the text seems so hard to be seen. Actually there will be a black dark transparent background. You see the thin long line on the left? It is supposed to roll in when we play the flash. Here it is:
black background
See, now you can clearly see and the text became more readable. And of course the background music that you hear from the home page is still on unless you clicked the dancing blocks button on the bottom right of the pages, just the same as all the pages.
So, that is all for my part of the projects.
Thank you.

Andi Chairul

M e e t i n g (3)

Date : 25 July 2010
Place : cyberia condo ( Andi house )
Time : 6-7pm

on that day we share our designs ( icons + interface ) 

here is the sketches 

 first interface layout we want to pot a small ball icon beside each part on the left side and zakomi on the right

 first icon set was to draw these symbols inside every part with circle shape

but finally we decide to stik to the layout and icons of the last two pictures

M e e t i n g (2)

Date : 11 July 2010
Place :library
Time : 6-7pm

in this meeting we divide the task of the part inside our section , so we decide it to be like this

1- Result of the world cup 2010 ( Andi )
2- History of the world cup + the past winner + unforgettable moments ( Feras )
3- Winner of the world cup 2010 (Spain) his profile and his achievement ( Nidal )
4- Gossips , the Vuvuzela and the octopus paul + videos about best players ( Adrian )
5- Cities and stadium ( sherry )

and i give them two weeks to gather all the information and if any one wants to add something before we proceed with the layout and the design

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Cover page of La vie

first cover page 

The is the first cover page was created that contain world of the link category of the magazine , and the logo , anyway , because it was too simple and not satisfied the group  leader and other leaders and members ,so we  decide to do another one look mush better .

the second cover page 

The idea of this page came from the note paper , the group like it and decide to approve it , 
but the assistants said that the cover it's bluesh and more life as La vie mean , and the the note white paper is kinda empty .

Final cover page 

Finally , i edit the cover by taking the assistants advises by changing the background color and add some colorful frames to the  note paper .
Thus, after adding some effects it was approved and published .

LOGO La'vie

Add caption

La ' vie  logo

 First of  all , i was thinking to change the previous la vie logo , i didn't agree about the old post of logo , so i decide to think and  came up with nice meaningful logo that present our magazine . 

However, i choose to color it because the magazine has  variety sections .
About , the plant i put to represent life wish the mean of  LA 'VIE.