Thursday, September 23, 2010

Individual Progress (Andi Chairul)

Good morning everyone!
Andi Chairul is on the go here to report to you guys about our project, my part of the flash actually. I know it is already too late to update the blog, but anyway I will just write about how I did my part.

As the group agreed, I got the “RESULT” part. In this part I was supposed to put the information about the FIFA World Cup 2010 that was held in South Africa. It covers all the matches’ final score as well as the top goal scorers throughout the event.

Collecting the data
Collecting the raw materials was not too hard for me since the World Cup itself has just finished a few weeks ago. There are many online websites to refer for me, but I chose HTTP:// as my source of information. Lucky me, It had all the information I needed to complete my part of this project.

The process
We already have the common layout for our section. Here it is:
my part's page
Each Menu has 2 sub menus, in my part are Result and Goal scorers, so I added 2 buttons on the left side as we agreed what the lay-out would be.
buttons added
After making the buttons, I made the pages in it and put the screen shot of the matches’ result that I copied from The total is 9 pages.
Almost the same step I did to the Goal Scorers pages, just I added The Top scorer profile in it, which is Thommas Mueller, the 20 years old Germany’s striker that scored 5 goals in his 6 games.
top scorer
I know the text seems so hard to be seen. Actually there will be a black dark transparent background. You see the thin long line on the left? It is supposed to roll in when we play the flash. Here it is:
black background
See, now you can clearly see and the text became more readable. And of course the background music that you hear from the home page is still on unless you clicked the dancing blocks button on the bottom right of the pages, just the same as all the pages.
So, that is all for my part of the projects.
Thank you.

Andi Chairul

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