Sunday, September 26, 2010

Individual progress ( Feras Mirza )

Individual progress :(History)

 Hi!, this Mirza , Feras ... my duty in this part of project is to write about the  history of world cup wish i found it interesting ,and because the history of world cup is too big , so I'm chosen the most important  and interesting part to not bore the reader of this section ..

1. The past result of the football world cups :

Once u click on the bottom history then it will appear the past winner .Also , i add the flags icone to show the past winner in this page .Then , click the arrow at the top right to show other part of this section.

2. unforgettable moment (video) :

when u click on the icon taxt on the left up (moment ) it will show the video , first of mardona ,second of Zidan

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