Thursday, September 23, 2010

Journal reflections(Andi Chairul)

1.     How is your understanding of the topic after doing the project? Understanding about interactive multimedia?

I understand really well about the project since it has been my teenage dream to work “behind the scene” in magazine things. About interactive multimedia, I think I know it quite well to because nowadays, with the help of internet, most of the media; multimedia, is served in interactive way. So yeah I really understand the topic before the project. After the project I understand it is really fun to come up with idea n thought to make the magazine, especially if I’m doing the topic that I am really interested.

2.     What were the problems faced since Proposal 2? How did you/your team solve your group problems?

We don’t have so many problems since the proposal 2 because I think the idea that one of the team member gave was so good and everyone agreed, and it seemed like the entire crowd in class liked it too. Oh we did have some problems; it was when I wanted to add the background music with the button to stop it, thank god I have a friend that have already done the similar things, so I asked him to help. And, we have problems in updating the blog.. =.=

3.     What would you do differently next time?

Next time, I would divide the task more serious and share more with the groupmates. Since I like to lead, I would be the group leader if I have the chance later.

4.     How is your motivation level?

My motivation level is really high. Not only it is one of what I day dream about when I was in junior high school, but also this subject has 6 credit hours, there is no way I fail it! I have to pass with good grade. 

5.     How was working with your group / group leader?

Earlier, it’s kind of hard to contact each other since most of us just met in this class. But later we solve it well.

6.     How was it working on the project?

Actually it was fun because I really like the project and I was doing the thing I really into, which is football.

7.     Update on what you have been writing previously.

Update, hmm nothing much, I just wrote this things this week. Coz we had problem with updating the blogs.

8.     How was your teammates/Group leader?

They are okay and very kind. Just, maybe some of them were really busy that time.

9.     Personal evaluation of your own effort and that of your team

I think my effort was quite good; I came up with the idea of taking the sport section, which made it a lot easier to fill the project itself. And I did the presentation quite good. Yeah I have some problems pairing up with the group members, I rarely contact them if I had a problem, and I would just think and solve it myself.  

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