Sunday, September 26, 2010

Journal reflection ( Nidal Taha )

1-How is your understanding of the topic after doing the project? Understanding about interactive multimedia?

changed alot of ideas in my mind about interactive multimedia , previously i thought interactive is only one designer can do the whole thing website and designing and that's it , i didnt know that there is any successful design project will come throw all theses process and to do everything from the scratch from A-Z , so i can say this subject changed my whole thought about interactive multimedia and doing projects

2-What were the problems faced since Proposal 2? How did you/your team solve your group problems?

me as a group leader we didn’t face much problems , our problem was only that we focused on design and how to fix it on website and ignore important thing which is updating our blog

3-What would you do differently next time?

learn from my mistakes , and worn my self or one of the group mate early if he or she delay doing the task

4-How is your motivation level?

in the beginning was down because its a big project and i don’t know my group mate , but later on increased to the maximum after i know my team mate very will from meeting and i say to my self we can do it and to be one of the best sections in this magazine

5-How was working with your group / group leader?

very good and every one was responsible of what they were doing , i wish i can do another project with them later on on future in real world 

6-How was it working on the project?

fun , little pressure , interesting , quite good so far 

7-Update on what you have been writing previously

we update our blog late :s so i think what i wrote is the last updated stuff

8-How were your teammates/Group leader?

we become friends in class and out the class

9-Personal evaluation of your own effort and that of your team

i hope my group mates are satisfied with what i do as a group leader , i didn’t do my best but i will try next time to avoid my mistakes

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